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The House of Sourdin Heritage

Discover the history of Villedieu and its know-how

Located behind the town hall, in a bright room with molded ceilings, formerly a lay patronage and then a cinema, the Maison du Patrimoine Sourdin was inaugurated in April 2024 with the aim of retracing the town’s history, from its origins to the present day, under different themes such as copper craftsmanship, lace and the Knights of Malta.

A journey through history and craftsmanship...

Divided into six distinct areas, with magnificent bronze moucharabiehs filtering the sunlight through the windows, this modern museum with its sober, distinguished appearance offers a contemporary interpretation of the historical heritage of the Sourdins, the name given to the inhabitants of Villedieu-les-Poêles.

Using archival documents, maps and period objects, the museum takes us back to the town’s beginnings, with the installation of the first Commanderie Hospitalière on the territory.

The tour then moves on to the town’s economic development, thanks to the copper, copperware and lace industries that made Villedieu a town renowned for the quality of its craftsmanship. An area of the museum is also dedicated to Norman furniture, and more broadly to local wood species and the tools used in cabinetmaking.

The museum also focuses on the Siena, a river that has played a crucial role in the city’s development, as well as contributing to its past and present identity. The permanent exhibition raises visitors’ awareness of the importance of preserving aquatic environments and endangered species, such as the wild salmon, which reappears in the Siena in March, after having sailed in Arctic waters.

Finally, the last space, dedicated to contemporary heritage, links the city of yesterday with that of today, and allows visitors to question the meaning that everyone can find in the perpetuation of different skills. Local companies such as Chaudrolux, Atelier du Cuivre and the Cornille-Havard foundry exhibit their finest pieces.

3 reasons to visit the Maison du Patrimoine Sourdin
A concentrate of muted life

From its creation by the Knights of Malta to its contemporary heritage, the MPS is all of Villedieu in one place!

Remarkable architecture

This building, formerly the Patronage Laïque hall, was inaugurated in 1927 and has been enhanced by its recent renovation.

Lace is an art!

On the second floor of the Maison du Patrimoine Sourdin, discover lace made in Villedieu with Marilyne Lebois, who perpetuates the town’s ancestral know-how.

Prepare your visit


35 Place du Presbytère
Villedieu-les-Poêles – Rouffigny


Opening hours


Closed on Sundays, Monday mornings and Saturday mornings

Free for all--
Rate for adult group5,1€
School group rate4,1€