discover the zoowith the whole family!
We arrive at the zoo as soon as it opens at 10 a.m., which is the ideal time of day to observe the activity of the animals who, as we shall see, tend to nap in the afternoon! At the entrance to the park, we look at the map detailing the different geographical areas represented, and next to it a sign indicates the day’s activities: lemur feeding, penguin feeding, tiger feeding… Each hour has its own feast for the park’s animals!
Overexcited, the children head straight for the first enclosure, where adorable prairie dogs dig their tunnels in the sand. Further on, we meet the wallabies in an immersion enclosure, i.e. an area where the animals are in semi-liberty and where we can approach them while respecting the barriers that protect them from over-stimulation by visitors. Children are quick to notice the baby wallabies, whose sleepy heads protrude from their mothers’ belly pouches.

We’re entering the Malagasy area, with its magnificent tree ferns, flowering aromas and diverse varieties of agave and palm. Only the green bocage in the background confirms that we are indeed in Normandy! In front of the maki catta and black and white varis enclosure, the children remain doubtful. Where have the primates gone? Suddenly, they emerge from between the leaves. Mischievous and excellent climbers, they leap from branch to branch, providing an amusing spectacle for the children. Immediately afterwards, the lemur immersion enclosure offers a closer look. Not shy, these animals with their black and white striped tails, emblematic of the island of Madagascar, stand just a few metres away from us. There’s no question of petting them here. You can just observe them without disturbing them.