©Villedieu-les-Poêles|Anibas Photography

The label City and Art Trades

Occupying an important place in the French economy, arts and crafts are the fruit of an encounter between traditional know-how and contemporary creativity.

With almost 60,000 companies and sales of 19 billion euros, this sector is distinguished by its diversity of activities and economic profiles, encompassing fields such as the arts of fire, textiles, wood and instrument making. The Ville et Métiers d’Art association, created in 1992 by local elected representatives, brings together 106 local authorities committed to the development and transmission of these exceptional skills.

Approved towns and cities are committed to encouraging the installation of art and craft professionals, organizing promotional activities, developing cultural tourism, raising awareness among schoolchildren and supporting training. The Ville et Métiers d’Art label is a guarantee of quality and dynamism for areas committed to promoting these trades. Members benefit from a range of services, including use of the label in their communications, participation in technical workshops, access to a resource platform, help in finding premises and promotion of their events.

In addition, the association maintains partnerships with various players in the arts and crafts ecosystem, such as INMA (Institut National des Métiers d’Art), the Chambres de Métiers et de l’Artisanat, the regions and other organizations working to promote and support these trades.

The Ville et Métiers d’Art association plays a crucial role in the promotion, preservation and development of arts and crafts in France, providing a network of exchange, support and enhancement for professionals and communities involved in this field.

how this label translates into Villedieu-les-Poêles ?

As part of economic development, the Villedieu Intercom community is offering support schemes for artisans wishing to set up in the town center, in the Quartier des Métiers d’Arts created in summer 2018. The Quartier brings together creative craftspeople in permanent and temporary boutique-workshops.

What’s more, every year the town hosts the Fête des Métiers d’Art, where some thirty artisans are invited to exhibit their creations under a marquee. The town is enlivened by a variety of events over the weekends. In 2022, the event attracted 6,000 visitors.

As part of this dynamic, the Villedieu-les-Poêles Tourist Office is also a Vitrine des métiers d’art. Each year, three themed exhibitions and sales bring together around 15 artists at the Tourist Office. Check out our calendar to find out about the current exhibition theme!
